On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, the Texas Tribune published an article titled Texas Again Has Highest Uninsured Rate in Nation. This article was interesting to me because I am also one of those who do not have health insurance. The article states "In addition to having the highest rate of people without health insurance in the nation, Texas also has the largest number of children without health insurance and the highest rate of poor adults without health insurance, according to 2012 American Community Survey estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau late Wednesday." Honestly, I have never felt the need to get health insurance. But this article is not just about me; this article represents the people of state of Texas and I understand that people need health insurance in order to pay their bills in a small amount. I have been to the hospital in the United States of America one time in my whole life and the bill came out to be $250,000. I am sure the amount have gone down quite a bit with the health insurance but fortunately, I did not have to pay the bill.
Article also states "If Texas had chosen to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act to include impoverished adults below 138 percent of the federal poverty level, the program could have extended coverage to an additional 2 million people, according to a report by Billy Hamilton, former deputy state comptroller and fiscal consultant." If expanding medicaid eligibility could cover an additional 2 million people, why hasn't Texas chose this option already? I do not know anything about health insurance nor Medicaid so I can't say anything about it but if it could help 2 million people, not just few, I would totally go with expanding Medicaid eligibility. I believe that helping people will mean better Texas when it's already a great state to live in.
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