Friday, December 13, 2013

One of the classmate posted something very interesting in his blog stage seven. He talked about the child poverty increasing exponentially in Texas. He said that there is 47% increase in the rate of Texas children living in poverty from 2000 to 2011 while the grow rate in population is only 18%. He mentions that child poverty rate has been growing so high due to the unemployment rate. He also mentions that raising the minimum wage will not ultimately fix the poverty.

I lived in Indiana for about 2 years before I moved to Austin, Texas.
While I was in Indiana for about 2 years, I worked at Target as a cashier, earning minimum wage. I had no parents support at all at the time. I have never had experience as such and I can say that it is honestly the hardest thing I have ever done in my life so far.
First, I was not able to get the 40 hours a week as I wanted. Less hours, less money for me. I was paying the rent, cell phone bill, car insurance, etc all alone and money was a pretty desperate thing for me. Every month, I would have about maybe $100 left after I pay all the bills I need to pay. I remember thinking, if I only had a higher minimum wage.
So I guess I disagree with the classmate that raising minimum wage wouldn't work. I think it would work just fine. Also, I understand that the issue is about the child poverty, not adults. My opinion on this matter is that if parents are not financially well to grow a kid, why have one? I think everyone has a general idea on how expensive it is to have a child.

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